Board Update: January
The latest update on significant management issues in the Quay.

Informal Meetings
An open forum meeting will be held on Saturday 3rd February from 12.00 to 13.00 at The Compass. Please send questions in advance and not less than 48 hours
before, to [email protected].
In response to members' requests, the next meeting will be held on Saturday 2nd March and will resemble a 'surgery' format, individual informal meetings. Members should submit questions and will book a time slot to discuss their concerns on a one-to-one basis with a director. These meetings can be on ground floor level to improve accessibility. We believe these two formats are the best way for all members to have their concerns addressed.
Pool Update
The aim for the pool since notification of a major leak is to fix it to minimise future shutdowns. We have struggled to get quotes and have one quote. Marcus from Deacon (see below) has met Fowlers on site, and we are now waiting for this second quote. Marcus is also in regular contact with the pool consultant lan Betts.
New Managing Agents
The Estate office will be closed for the foreseeable future, but Deacon Asset Management, our new managing agents, are available on these numbers and,
on site when necessary:
E: [email protected]
D: 01273 429962
M: 07881 987248
E: [email protected]
D: 01403 220313 (Horsham)
D: 01273 429960 (Brighton)
M: 07721 658055